Sunday, June 24, 2007

Come Meet Dennis Kucinich

Yesterday there was a sudden knock on the door. When I answered I found a hippie dippy woman with a floppy hat. Before I knew it, she handed me a flyer to "Come and Meet Dennis Kucinich." I follow politics pretty closely (LA Times, Hardball, Countdown, NPR and even Drudge), so I know Kucininch doesn't have a chance in hell of winning, but here was an opportunity to meet a "legitimate candidate" for president and all I had to do was walk down the street.

The only hang-up was that I already had a "date" to go with my girlfriend to a raw food potluck. Because Marisol rocks (and she knows I'm a crazy person for politics!) she let me go to "Meet Kucinich."

So I packed my camera and a Vitamin Water, and I walked down the street in my beautiful Altadena neighborhood to "Meet Dennis." The event was scheduled to begin at 3pm, but I was a little late, maybe 3:10, so there was already a crowd. Nothing Obama-Like, maybe 100 hippy dippies (BTW most people would add me to that lot, and I'm totally cool with that!)

White folding chairs surrounded a natural stage that was under a mature orange tree. I made my way to the "back" of the backyard where I saw my old friend "Bird" sitting underneath a canopy. We've known each other since Walter Reed Junior High School in North Hollywood. "Bird" and I bump into each other every once in a while over the last 30 years. He's a really cool and trippy dude, who among other things, is part of a REALLY cool and trippy band called the Gluey Brothers. Anyway, "Bird" was there, so we talked for a few minutes before things got rolling.

Then a guy named "Neighbor Steve," who has organized protest rallies in "The Valley" since long before the war (which I used to attend, until we got "in the shit.") "Neighbor Steve" sang a few protest songs before My (New) Main Man Dennis, unassumingly made his way down the staircase from the house. When he took the stage, he thanked "Neighbor Steve" for the music. In that single, simple moment, I knew this guy was different. Dennis then took a moment to acknowledged the natural environment of the beautiful backyard, that even included a pond and stream in the far back. He spoke about peace and harmony with our world, about harnessing the natural power of the sun, the wind and the people.

Dennis Kucinich then went on to talk about the "oneness" of all people, universal health care and the importance of owning a home. He talked about corruption and how we should withdraw from Iraq (a point we don't agree, but I was with him in spirit.) Kucinich no longer wants to use "war as policy," instead he wants to find the peaceful solution. "A nation among nations, not a nation above nations."

The world Dennis Kucinich imagines, is one without any nuclear weapons for all countries including (and especially) the U.S. His radical message is filled with a down to earth presentation. You really get the feeling he is being "real." I was pleasantly surprised by his charisma and enthusiasm. At one point he stated, "We are the people we are waiting for," which for me was a "call to arms."

Dennis Kucinich won me over. Even though I know he won't win, he came to "my backyard" and talked about a lot of things I believe in, and he asked for my help. I have to ask myself, if I don't join his team, who will?

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Story Salon Book

Just a minute ago, I was half-ass watching the NBA finals. The series has been a blow out by the San Antonio Spurs, so my interest has waned. I'm really only watching Lebron James (a 22 year old super star in the making.)

Anyway, I was bored so I picked a book off the shelf. Not just any book, but an anthology that contains my story Letterman on Acid. The book was published by Story Salon, a group I work with, including producing their podcast. (BTW we are recording a new show tomorrow night!)

It felt really cool to hold a book with my story inside. The feeling made me want to finish my novel King of the Boys.... Sometimes in our digital age, one can forget the power of a book.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

I've Been Googled

The moment I first heard about podcasting from my friend Dan Klass, back in the fall of 2004, I knew it was something I had to do. Unfortunately, I didn't have a computer and I was living in a basement apartment (literally meaning the basement of my friend's pad. ) That winter, I scrambled to get an iBook (and a Girlfriend) so that I could change my life.

By March of 2005 I was ready (with the help of Dan) to begin producing my storytelling podcast Verge of the Fringe. Dan held my hand through the process and even gave me a few small pieces of Radio Shack gear. He also told me to use Blogger to easily post my shows, and Feedburner to generate my "feed." I had no idea what was going on with all of the tech stuff, so I just did what he told me to do. Plus they were both free, which was right in the middle of my price range.

For the most part I have been happy with both, and I still use them. Back when I was teaching with Dan at the Apple Store at the Grove, I would always point students in their direction. But secretly I was bummed that Blogger wasn't easier to use.

Times have changed, now Blogger and Feedburner are owned by Google. Which looks to be a good thing. They really have made creating a cool blog, so much easier! (Although, I wasn't able to place the image for this story where I wanted it. I know it can be done.... Please just make it easier for tech lunk heads like me. Thanks Mr. Google.)

The next time I trip on Google, I'll focus on "My New Blogger/Google Toy" aka "My Newsreel" (see the bottom of the page.) I really dig it a ton.... Until next time.



"The Key" for Getting Comments on Your New Blog

I have discovered "the key" for getting people to comment on your new blog. Post a picture of your Girlfriend in a bikini. So here is another....

Thanks to all who commented here and on Twitter.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

I Need Your Help!

Can someone please tell my girlfriend that she is NOT "fat"? Sometimes she can be crazier than me!... Thanks in advance for your help.